Asce 7 Wind Map

Wind speeds in the great plains remain unchanged but for the rest of the country wind speeds have decreased most significantly along the west coast.
Asce 7 wind map. Since asce had not made changes to the non hurricane wind speeds since 7 95 there was a significant increase in new anemometer locations and data gained from these locations. This is a beta release of the new atc hazards by location website. You can click on the map below to determine the basic wind speed for that location. Asce 7 10 has three wind maps based on risk category i risk category ii and risk categories iii and iv and they are based on strength design.
Use our asce wind speeds map to easily obtain the asce wind speeds 7 16 7 10 7 05 for any location in the contiguous united states puerto rico and alaska. This study focused on the non hurricane areas of the country and used a new procedure that separated the available data by windstorm type and accounted for changes in the site exposure. Basic wind speed maps. With that in mind i spent a couple minutes this morning trying to fill in some of blanks.
An updated study of the wind data from over 1 000 weather recording stations across the country was completed during this last cycle. 9 7 2017 9 asce 7 16 wind provisions mri design wind speed maps risk category target beta ch 1 current map mri proposed map mri i 2 50 300 300 ii 3 00 700 700 iii 3 25 1 700 1 700 iv 3 50 1 700 3 000 asce 7 16 wind provisions incorporate analysis of additional wind climate data for non hurricane winds more stations and more years of data account for terrain exposure at anemometer locations revised inland winds. When viewing the wind maps take the highest category number of the defined risk or occupancy category. Wind speed maps asce 7 16 on.
The asce 7 10 provides a wind map where the corresponding basic wind speed of a location can be obtained from figures 26 5 1a to 1c. See acse 7 10 for important details not included here. Simply put for the contiguous u s asce 7 05 has one wind speed map and it is based on allowable stress design. Quickly retrieve site structural design parameters specified by asce 7 10 and asce 7 16 including wind seismic snow ice rain flood and tsunami.
The occupancy category is defined and classified in the international building code. Printed with permission from asce. Please contact us with feedback. The new maps now reflect more regional variability in extreme wind climates.
Wind speed maps asce 7 16 read 6589 times 0 members and 1 guest are viewing this topic. Also new hurricane models have reduced the hurricane winds along the northeast coast while.