Bears In Europe Map

Part 2 country by country data pdf 7 3mb continental europe excluding russia and belarus is home to 1 000 1 250 wolverines 600 to 800 in the eu 8 000 9 000 eurasian lynx 7 000 to 8 000 in the eu 17 000 brown bears 15 000 to 16 000 in the eu and 17 000 wolves 13 000 to 14 000 in the eu.
Bears in europe map. Polar bears are restricted to the area of the arctic ocean and the. In the cantabrian mountains the numbers of brown bears have been on the rise since the 1990s. Brown bear distribution in europe 2006 2011. A handful number of these species are also found in serbia albania slovenia croatia bulgaria and macedonia.
There are also smaller populations in the pyrenees the alps and the apennines. Bears being killed off in the first place is the main reason. Distribution of brown bear populations and national brown bear management plans in europe. Apparently there are two bears in northern portugal.
Brown bear distribution. The maps are copyrighted by the original author s maps click to open. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. A slightly better situation is the species in central and southern europe where bears are found in most of the mountain ranges with the carpathian populations of over 8 000 being the largest in the region.
This thread is archived. The bears are the most abundant large carnivore in europe with around 17 000 individuals alongside 12 000 wolves 9 000 eurasian lynx and 1 250 wolverines which are restricted to northern parts. The most widespread species is the brown bear which occurs from western europe eastwards through asia to the western areas of north america. That remote valley deep in the mountains has had a small population living off the land for thousands of years.
Most numerous and most widely distributed is northern population kareliand and scandinavian ranging from scandinavia through finland and the european part of russia to the ural where it connects to the range of north asian populations that inhabited vast areas of siberia to chukotka. The atlas bear a subspecies of the brown bear was the only bear native to africa and was distributed from morocco to libya. View discussions in 2 other communities. Distribution of brown bear in natura 2000 sites in central and eastern europe.
There are around 2 500 carpathian brown bears living all throughout the northern europe. Originally i was referring to portuguese pimba singer toy but it seems there is an actual bear in portuguese soil. Distribution of the brown bear in europe. They were once native to asia europe and africa but have become disappeared in most of its range in asia.
The densest populations of bears in europe are found in the dinaric mountains and the carpathians. It has been extinct since about the 1970s. Bears are found in north america south america asia and europe. Right now there is one bear in northern portugal.
300 points 1 year ago edited 1 year ago. The 32 populations comprise of between some tens of individuals up to several. The eurasian brown bear ursus arctos arctos is one of the most common subspecies of the brown bear and is found in much of eurasia it is also known as the european brown bear common brown bear common bear and colloquially by many other names the genetic diversity of present day brown bears ursus arctos has been extensively studied over the years and appears to be geographically structured into five main clades based upon analysis of the mtdna. Status management and distribution of large carnivores bear lynx wolf wolverine in europe.