Hebrew Flat Earth Map

When the greek philosopher anaxagoras dared.
Hebrew flat earth map. But let me also add that nothing that i have stated above either proves or disproves the flat earth theory. Hebrew cosmology and the biblical flat earth model are correct and there are waters above and below the earth making the globe model utterly and completely a satanic lie. It is from the new logos 5 software which i am looking forward to testing out and blogging about soon nick asks whether those who reconstruct. The cosmological assumptions of the authors of the jewish scriptures christian old testament.
Yes there exists very ancient maps all of which depict the same flat earth creation space right up into the 1800 s so this is really not in question. The map contains several references to biblical passages as well as various jabs at the globe theory. James holding notes that the hebrew word most often translated earth in the old testament is erets which is used to refer to the earth but also designates some specific nation or territory like the land of havilah gen 2 11 or it refers to a defined plot of land like the one purchased by abraham gen 23 15. When examined the hebrew is ambiguous toward a flat earth and at times even seems to suggest something globe like or spheroid in shape.
It has been argued by flat earthers that the glory of a flat earth is the grand secret that would finally and ultimately testify to the wonder of god s awesome. However the case isn t a strong one for either faction. I ll get into why this makes absolutely no sense later suffice it to say i put this video here are a proof of the fact. Moreover the sun was believed to be relatively small in a flat earth cosmos and only sailing directly above one part of the earth at a time so even flat earthers would not have expected every region of the earth to be lit with light at the same time.
Moreover those who believe in a flat earth claim that there are no verses in the bible teaching that the earth is a round spinning ball orbiting the sun. The bible even states in the story of joshua that he commanded the sun and moon to halt over specific regions sun stand still over gibeon. However the map i find so interesting is the following map found and written about in 1907 and understood to have been created over one thousand years prior. Additional circles added what i find most interesting about this map is how it clearly shows that other land masses or as i see it other separate creations outside of our.
Don t just take my word for it. Planets that exist outside earth s solar system discovery of alien planets in our solar system space the universe hd 4 604 watching live now language. From their perspective the earth was what they could see from horizon to horizon and their philosophy of the cosmos was interpreted from this perspective. If one must adhere to a flat earth view then one must leave the word of god out of it if one is being intellectually honest.
The ancient hebrews did not believe in a flat earth or a globe earth. Flat earth map drawn by orlando ferguson in 1893. A map of the universe according to the old testament daniel esparza jul 07 2016 ancient hebrew cosmology is full of subtleties that often go unnoticed by the. And moon over the valley of aijalon joshua 10 12.
The flat earth model is an archaic conception of earth s shape as a plane or disk. He believes of course that it was poetic because they didn t know any better. Here is hebrew scholar dr michael heiser talking about hebrew cosmology.