Purdue Campus Map Pdf

College and seminary fair.
Purdue campus map pdf. Due to space limitations in me 463 in the spring term a student who plans to graduate in either the summer or fall term may not take me 463 early in the spring term even if all required pre requisites are met. Ural mall hlab mjis soil purdue police lyle vp nimitz d lynn viab vcpr vmif upsb aero comp highway aviation drive hgr6 hcr5 approximate scale 250 500 adm s russell st. Map and building information for purdue s main campus in west lafayette indiana. This includes the campus accessibility guide for people with disabilities.
Parking facilities offers parking guide maps. Drug visitor parking i pay 1000 a ricu abe nlsn crin lolc harrison st. West lafayette campus building names and abbreviations summer 2015 n asian american and asian resource and cultural center stew g h7 abe agricultural and biological engineering f9 addl animal disease diagnostic laboratory g10 adm agricultural innovation center e11 aero aerospace science laboratory c11 agad agricultural administration building g8 ahf animal holding facility g10 aqua boilermaker aquatic center d6 ar armory g6 arms armstrong neil hall of engineering g5 asb airport service. Other maps maps are available in the publications racks in hovde hall the memorial union purdue airport the welcome center and from the office of the dean of students and purdue marketing and media.
Abbr wade drive purdue prsv nd emergency phones at streat level emergencv phones in subwalks and garages is residence facilities under construction mmoc term msw msb purdue airport hgri south river com lex page bown pfsb. Ptca purdue technology center aerospace a8 west campus inset push purdue university student health center f g5 pvab purdue village administration building d9 pvcc purdue village community center c8 pwd parking facilities b7 rail american railway building h6 rawl rawls jerry s hall h8 rec recitation building g7 rhph heine robert e pharmacy building g5 sc stanley coulter hall g7 schl schleman helen b hall of student services g6 scho global policy research institute schowe house. Ptca purdue technology center aerospace a8 west campus inset push purdue university student health center f g5 pvab purdue village administration building d9 pvcc purdue village community center c8 rail american railway building h6 rawl rawls jerry s hall h8 rec recitation building g7 rhph heine robert e pharmacy building g5 sc stanley coulter hall g7 schl schleman helen b hall of student services g6 scho global policy research institute schowe house f1 scpa slayter center of. Special committee on racism truth and reconciliation.
This program map applies to students enrolled for fall 2019 and beyond. Ptca purdue technology center aerospace a8 west campus inset push purdue university student health center f g5 pvab purdue village administration building d9 pvcc purdue village community center c8 rail american railway building h6 rawl rawls jerry s hall h8 rec recitation building g7 rhph heine robert e pharmacy building g5 sc stanley coulter hall g7 schl schleman helen b hall of student services g6 scho global policy research institute schowe house f1 scpa slayter center of. If you were enrolled before fall 2019 please click here for your program map. West campus detail ptca state st.
Small group delegation group.