Seven Churches Of Asia Map

The seven churches are ephesus smyrna pergamos a k a.
Seven churches of asia map. Ancient city ancient greek revelation bible bible dictionary bible mapping history online ephesus historical maps cartography. Paul s missionary journeys paul the apostle bible in a year bible mapping journey mapping san pablo kids church church ideas bible knowledge. The first missionary journey of paul acts 13 4 14 28. Asia was a term which in the books of the maccabees actually means asia minor which antioch iii the great had to give up to the roman province of asia proconsularis formed after 133 b c which embraced the regions of mysia lydia caria and phrygia see rom 16 5.
That john was writing to now he chose to write to them because they were involved in. Same situation he was involved in the persecution he was on the isle of. The seven churches of revelation also known as the seven churches of the apocalypse the seven churches of asia and the seven churches of asia minor referring to the roman province of asia modern day asia minor turkey are seven of the major churches of early christianity dating from the first century ad as indicated in the book of revelation chapters 2 and 3 of the new testament. The title seven churches of asia indicates clearly that this was in asia but that doesn t mean the same thing as it does today.
People also love these ideas. What we re talking about is eastern turkey and we see a little bit of that on the map but with this map you see the little stars there in the dark in the section and that s where the seven churches were. In chapter 12 of the advent of dionysus iacchus writes about seven cities in oregon and how they correspond or draw parallels with the seven churches of asia there s also a map illustrating the seven cities in oregon at the top of the page if you go to the link in chapter 12. Map of the 7 churches of revelation bible history online map of the seven churches in asia.
Map of the seven churches in asia position of the seven churches in asia minor to whom the seven epistles in revelation 1 3 were addressed.