Online Africa Map Quiz

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Online africa map quiz. These are the 54 countries in africa that are fully recognized by the united nations. Image quiz shapes slide quiz open beta create a group. Click on start to begin the quiz. Africa geography quiz geography quiz just click on the map to answer the questions about the countries in africa test your geography knowledge africa.
You might be surprised how many you don t get right on the first try but use this online africa map quiz to study and you will improve. If you want to practice offline download our printable maps of africa in pdf format. Countries quiz lizard point quizzes become a supporter to remove 3rd party ads. Create custom quiz africa.
Congratulations you have. Review the map and then select the correct country from the choices that are given. This online quiz is called africa physical map quiz map quiz africa physical. The questions are randomly shuffled each time you take the test.
Africa map quiz fill in the map of africa by correctly guessing each highlighted country. Use our free africa map quiz to learn the locations of all 54 african countries. Countries name x y click on the map to define the coordinates dot 1l medium with label 1 medium no label 2 small no label 3 tiny no label.